Monday, January 4, 2010

Today was a productive day!

This morning I bought the plastic tubs for my vermicomposter and picked up some strawberry roots. On the way home I decided to stop by Starbuck's to see if they had any coffee grinds available. Jackpot! There were 2 huge bags full of grounds sitting in the basket!!! When I got home I put together the vermicomposter. It only took about 30 minutes to put the whole thing together...but it would have been faster if the drill had been working and I didn't have to hammer nails through the plastic to make holes.
Next, I planted the strawberry roots in tin containers in a fabulous mix of soil and coffee grounds. (Rumor has it that strawberries love, love, love coffee grinds.) I love using old metal/tin containers for planting. Some of my favorite containers are items I have scrounged from the cabin, the desert house, or yard sales. I just planted daffodil bulbs 2 in brass spitoons that I bought on E-bay. Lee recently found an old metal fishing creel (basket) that had washed up at the cabin that he knew knew I would find something to plant in it.
Finally, I dumped the remaining coffee grounds in the compost piles.

1 comment:

  1. You are so organized, I wish we could have a garden, but we can'tplant anything where we live. The girls have been planting in pots. It is fun
