I am trying to get a head start on the new year, and the best way for me to do this is by creating lists. Life is an ongoing project....so I add and delete as necessary.
January- put away Christmas decorations, prune roses, make reservations for summer vacation, and replace batteries, seeds, and medicine in emergency tub
February- file taxes, sign Miles and Maggie up for summer camp
March- prepare soil/beds for garden, add mulch to flowers and shrubs, buy Miles and Maggie new clothes/shoes for warm weather, soccer sign-ups
April- plant herbs in garden/containers, begin planting summer garden, trim all hooves, yearly shots for all animals
May- plant tomatoes, pull bulbs and store in labeled paper bags, replace batteries in outdoor solar lights
June- (vacation) scrapbooking, canning
July- (vacation) plan for Miles's birthday
August- go school shopping, pay for bus passes
September- trim all hooves, decorate for fall, put away pool toys and cover patio furniture, make Maggie's scarecrow, 4H sign up/choose projects
October- add Halloween decorations, start Christmas shopping list, plan for Maggie's birthday, plant bulbs
November- put away Halloween decorations, create Thanksgiving menu and get head count, order Christmas cards, pull summer garden, add straw, and plant cover crops
December- put away fall decorations and put up Christmas, make treat bags/cards for my class and Maggie's class/friends, mail Christmas cards, buy a new calendar/planner for the following year and add birthdays
Weekly- catch up on laundry, wash bedding, organize/clean backpacks, wash towels in bathroom (guest/hand)
January- put away Christmas decorations, prune roses, make reservations for summer vacation, and replace batteries, seeds, and medicine in emergency tub
February- file taxes, sign Miles and Maggie up for summer camp
March- prepare soil/beds for garden, add mulch to flowers and shrubs, buy Miles and Maggie new clothes/shoes for warm weather, soccer sign-ups
April- plant herbs in garden/containers, begin planting summer garden, trim all hooves, yearly shots for all animals
May- plant tomatoes, pull bulbs and store in labeled paper bags, replace batteries in outdoor solar lights
June- (vacation) scrapbooking, canning
July- (vacation) plan for Miles's birthday
August- go school shopping, pay for bus passes
September- trim all hooves, decorate for fall, put away pool toys and cover patio furniture, make Maggie's scarecrow, 4H sign up/choose projects
October- add Halloween decorations, start Christmas shopping list, plan for Maggie's birthday, plant bulbs
November- put away Halloween decorations, create Thanksgiving menu and get head count, order Christmas cards, pull summer garden, add straw, and plant cover crops
December- put away fall decorations and put up Christmas, make treat bags/cards for my class and Maggie's class/friends, mail Christmas cards, buy a new calendar/planner for the following year and add birthdays
Weekly- catch up on laundry, wash bedding, organize/clean backpacks, wash towels in bathroom (guest/hand)
Monthly- turn compost bins, Frontline on dogs and cat, haircuts, buy cards for this month's birthdays, check smoke detector,
get car cleaned, buy animal feed for the month, new chore/allowance chart for Miles and Maggie, replenish supplies for emergency stock-up
Every 3 Months- oil change in car(s), rotate tires, check air filters in house
get car cleaned, buy animal feed for the month, new chore/allowance chart for Miles and Maggie, replenish supplies for emergency stock-up
Every 3 Months- oil change in car(s), rotate tires, check air filters in house
you have the life, I need a cabin to go to it looks fun and my kids love to be out in the woods. I'm so happy for you guys you are doing well and have a great plan. maggie and miles are growing up so fast, Angelina wants to go to a summer camp but swimming doesn't end till the middle of july, so it's hard to find her one so late into the summer. Love you guys and keep up the good work