Friday, December 11, 2009

8 Things.......

1. Remember the humor when things don’t go as planned.
2. Reduce the visual clutter in your home by putting things in storage.
3. Decide what is most important to you and your family this season.
4. Don’t let advertisers tell you what you need.
5. Rethink your spending habits. Are they good for you, your family, or the environment?
6. Keep up on laundry
7. Fix your life so can get 7 hours of sleep a night at the minimum. You don’t save time when you are too tired to function optimally.
8. Take time each day for a walk outdoors.

1 comment:

  1. These are great, Shannon. I'm terrible at #2 and #7 just isn't going to happen until Theo gets A LOT better at sleeping, but I agree with them all!
