Sunday, January 10, 2010

Reusable Bags

I am attempting to create a new good habit. I have purchased several reuasable bags from various stores and now I need to remember to use them! My plan is to keep them in the front seat so I don't forget to take them inside the store with me. Up until today the bags have been kept in the trunk, and I have never remembered to bring them in the store so I have had to buy use plasic bags (bad,bad,bad). Lee doesn't mind having his groceries bagged in plastic so I plan to save them for lining the bottom of my garden walkway (under straw to keep weeds from growing).
1/15 Update...this is harder than I thought! I keep forgetting the bags!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I agree! Front seat much better than truck! I recently put up a little sticker (kinda like the "change your oil" stickers)in the window above drivers seat to remind me to bring in those bags. Loving your blog darling!
